Gail Stearns
Gail Stearns, Ph.D., is a mindfulness teacher, spiritual leader, and educator committed to helping people achieve greater compassion and deeper purpose in their lives and communities.
She is the Founder and Managing Partner of Stearns Insight Consulting, Dean Emerita of the Wallace All Faiths Chapel at Chapman University in Orange, California, and a certified member of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association.
Her books include LIBERATING MINDFULNESS: From Billion-Dollar Industry to Engaged Spirituality, a spiritual manifesto about the perils and promise of the contemporary mindfulness movement, and OPEN YOUR EYES: Toward Living More Deeply in the Present, bringing insight from Christianity and other spiritual traditions to explore how readers can dwell more deeply in the present and create a more compassionate world.
Gail received her Certification in Mindfulness Facilitation from UCLA and has over 35 years’ experience practicing meditation. She received her certification in Chaplaincy via Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, and holds a Master’s degree from McCormick Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Washington State University. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Gail combines mindfulness tools with her extensive experience in pastoral care and counseling to create customized presentations, trainings and workshops for audiences from 50 to 10,000. Her audiences have included corporations such as Disney, small businesses and nonprofits, social service agencies, health and wellness professionals, educators, students, faith and community leaders, and more. Topics include:
- Introduction to Mindfulness
- Integrating Mindfulness and Spiritual Practice
- Attaining Happiness
- Managing Stress Within and Around Us
- Habits for Greater Calm
- Listening Skills for Difficult Conversations
- Relational Mindfulness for Enhancing Communication
- Deepening Your Spirituality with Mindfulness
- Are Mindfulness and Your Spiritual Tradition Compatible?
- Discovering Peace and Purpose
- Developing Greater Compassion and Awareness
- Appreciating Diversity
- Care of the Whole Person
- Liberating Mindfulness
- Engage in Social Justice Without Burnout

“Gail has been an extraordinary mentor to countless students. They carry with them her spirit of curiosity, open-mindedness, and a commitment to activism long after.” –Ray Zimmerman
“Gail’s program has shown me how with kindness and understanding we can enhance and affect all relationships and bring social justice to our communities.” –Sally Allen
“It is easy to become overwhelmed with hectic schedules, difficult situations, and negative thoughts. Practicing Mindfulness with Gail Stearns has allowed my mind to become more quiet and more focused: it has made me a happier, calmer, more appreciative and peaceful person.” –Theresa W. Paulsrud
“Using feminist critical theory and weaving in her Christian background and other depth practices, Stearns asks hard questions about the mindfulness field: What exactly is its promise of happiness? Can it be divorced from Western consumerist values? Is mindfulness contributing to systems of oppression or freeing us from them? In this thought-provoking book, she invites us to be mindful about mindfulness.” -Diana Winston, director of mindfulness education, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, and author of The Little Book of Being
“At a time when ‘spirituality’ and ‘mindfulness’ have become buzzwords that can seem indistinguishable from the ‘self-help’ and even ‘business’ sections of bookstores, Stearns calls us to something higher and deeper: a robust model of spiritual life that transforms the self and our relationship with God and community. Highly recommended for all spiritual seekers and those engaged in interfaith work.” -Omid Safi, professor of Islamic studies, Duke University
“Stearns questions conventional assumptions about stress with mindfulness and compassion, addressing the stress-generating role of historical societal injustices and envisioning how mindfulness can contribute to a culture of mutual caring and awakening. A courageous, inclusive, and unique contribution to the field of mindfulness!” -Trudy Goodman, PhD, founder of InsightLA
“Going beyond sappy gratitude journals, ‘calculated compassion, ‘ and other trendy spiritual virtue-signaling, Stearns provides a careful analysis of how mindfulness has gone awry in service of market and consumerist ends. Liberating Mindfulness uncovers the revolutionary potential of numerous religious traditions, revealing new pathways that can repurpose mindfulness as a positive and disruptive force for social justice and personal healing.” -Ronald E. Purser, author of McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality
“What a read! Gail Stearns calls this ‘a practical book for progressive people of faith.’ It is that, and it is also a magnificent theological statement for our times. In Open Your Eyes, Stearns pares down some essentials of Christian life: living in the present, living with suffering, living in compassionate community. Her writing is clear, her faith strong, her mind sharp, and her witness to a very human and loving Jesus is as compelling as any I’ve come across. Best of all, she pays serious respect to other faith traditions. This is a marvelous testimony to what a compassionate, soulful, liberating Christianity can be.” -Carter Heyward, Professor Emerita of Theology Episcopal Divinity School
“Our obsessions about the past and our anxiety about the future are deeply related to what Gail Stearns refers to as the crisis of soul. We are so unconvinced of our own value that we seek that value in all the wrong places. The future of creation depends upon our seeking that value within the substance of our religious traditions. This book contributes very well to that search!” -Don Mackenzie, co-author of Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-Opening, Hope-Filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi, and a Sheikh
“This is a courageous and thoughtful book that does not accept tradition or doctrine for its own sake. It presents a wise reading of the Gospel of Mark for our time by letting it speak to the issues raised by living in the world of the twenty-first century. Gail Stearns draws upon her extensive experience as a college chaplain and teacher in bringing the deepest meaning of Mark together with the suffering and aspirations of her audience.” -Adela Yarbro, Collins Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Yale University Divinity School
Books, Films & Projects
Why Use Mindfulness Tools?
Self-care for the Long Game
Opening to Deeper Presence
Building Bridges with the Other Side: Loving Those We Disagree With